Clemens Christoph
Welcome to my personal website
- drone videography
flying first person view drones and capturing the world from above.
- qhub
quantum benchmarking - coming soon!
- metasuit
worked collaboratively in a team of eight students to develop a suit that utilizes artificial muscles to map body movements and enabling users to feel VR/AR environments. Check out my presentation here
- swissloop tunneling
Worked on the mechanical design of tunneling robot Groundhog Alpha
- msc. quantum engineering - eth zurich
- bsc. mech engineering - eth zurich
- focus on control systems, computational science, quantum mechanics
- gpa: 5.65/6.00
- publication: ICRA 2024: Self-Sensing Control of an Electrohydraulic Robotic Shoulder - published soon!
- organ studies
performing organ concerts in austria